Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I'm a Vietnam combat veteran. Army retired. VA 100% permanently and totally PTSD disabled. There may be many other combat veterans from any war/wars, but none experienced more "live ammunition" excercises than I did. Seemed just about every day from September 3, 1967 thru January 10, 1970, I was getting shot at, nearly exploded, crashed in helicopter, or some other piece of horror that apparently keeps me pretty well locked in a war that took place some 40 years ago. The reason I'm starting this blog and will keep at it is not to portray myself as some kind of "big bad green beret" or anything like that. I'm starting it because I want my grandkids and great-grandkids to be able to see what/who I was and why they may be the way they are. Genes. So tomorrow I'll start to write down experiences.

I've noticed that we're losing so many, many WWII and Korean War veterans every day. Most of them pass on without any legacy of war experiences. Most of us combat veterans don't like to talk about those years and so our stories die with us. That's not fair to our posterity. So this will let them know.

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